Drug problems in Thailand which include alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are considered ones of the most crucial causes of Thailand public health loss. Previously, the Thai government had continuously issued various social and legal measures to prevent and solve drug problems. However, many drug problems still exist, especially those of alcohol and drugs. There are still a small number of research studies which directly lead to prevention and solution. Also, most study researches only point out problems among each population group, while only a small number of them focus on prevention or solution per the research principle. Even though there are many reported prevention and solution study researches abroad, they could not be directly applied to Thailand due to different conditions in terms of cultures, society, economy and values. Many research studies in Thailand indicate the current weak Thai society. Young people become less responsible for the society. Drug use can be normally seen in the society. This includes legal drug use such as alcohol drinking and games playing, as well as illicit drug use such as marijuana and yaba use and illegal lottery. These problems are directly related to state of the society and economy. Hence, the recent fall of society and economy even make the problems more complicated and difficult to be solved within a short period of time.

Center of Substance Abuse Research, Research Institute for Health Sciences was founded by the group of researchers with experience on legal and illegal drug use research with the objective to set up the guideline to the research study and study publication for the utmost benefit of policy establishment and operation on prevention and solution of health problems caused by drug use in the Northern region and other areas of Thailand.