

Title    Improvement of Shallot Extract by Enzyme Technology for Developing a Functional Drink
Research Fellow
Principle investigator
Kongsak Boonyapranai    Faculty of Medical Science, Nakornratchasima College
Sakaewan Ounjaijean    Research Institute for Health Sciences, CMU

Grant agency    Office of the Higher Education Commission

Research period        July 2557 – July 2558

Research rationale
Thai shallot is one of the country’s major agricultural product, mostly grown in Sri Saket and Chiang Mai province.  It is experiencing oversupply yield, price fall and the government must intervene in price nearly every year. Long time storage of shallot resulting in problems such as weight loss, contamination of microorganisms and spoilage. These problems cause great economic loss and also health problems for both producers and consumers.
Quercetin is one of the most prominent dietary antioxidants found in onions, available in both glycosides (with sugar) and aglycone (without sugar) form. Regarding to greater antioxidant capacity of quercetin aglycone compare to glycoside, removal of sugar form quercetin glycoside may improve its antioxidant capacity. Such technology may increase opportunity to use shallot extract as high value functional food.
This study aims to improve preparation procedure of shallot extract by using enzymatic technology for developing a functional drink, focusing on the easy manufacturing process that able to perform both in household or small industries level.

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