

According to the CMU laboratory submission for laboratory certification via peer evaluation under the
laboratory assessment and evaluation via peer evaluation: phase 1 for a total of 9 laboratories, the
Center for Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Management (COSHEM), Mahidol University
acting as a project secretary, has provided laboratory assessment per peer evaluation laboratory
assessment and certification criteria at food substance analysis laboratory of Nutrition Research Unit,
Non-communicable Disease and Environmental Health Research Center, Research Institution for Health
Sciences, Chiang Mai University on 24 December 2020.

“Improving Safety Standard of Research Laboratories in Thailand” is a project aiming to develop
and propose the procedure in improving safety standard of research laboratories in Thailand to be
used as a guideline in setting a policy of National Research Council of Thailand with the following
auditors and observers.
Auditors and Observers
1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ratana Sananmueang, Head of Auditor, Naresuan University
2. Ms. Siripraporn Sangsurasak, Auditor, Mahidol University
1.Dr. Kongsak Boonyapranai, Head of Center for Non-communicable Disease and Environmental Health
2. Lecturer, Dr. Sakaewan Ounjaijean, Head of Nutrition Research Unit


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ข่าวโดย  หน่วยประชาสัมพันธ์  สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตร์สุขภาพ


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